Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My black beauty's busted!!!

So here you can see not only how rad my big black stallion of a racer really is, with them belts and stuff, but also: this is what happens when you don't properly remove all rust and apply new paint to seal an old frame! After about a year of riding, this baby just broke on a bump. I was already safeguarding my builds against this by stripping and sealing the frames, but now I'm doing much more thorough inspections and preventative paintwork. I also went out and checked all the Douma Cycles frames that were out in the wild and fortunately none of them had any paint or frame issues.

It's really important to check your frame for any rust spots and see how far they go by scraping them with some medium or light-grade steel wool. If the rust is only on the surface, that's great! Just remove it, and if you have to go down to the bare metal to do it, then start from the beginning with the painting: primer, steel wool, primer, steel wool, paint, steel wool, paint, steel wool, clear coat, steel wool, clear coat, and you're good!

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